In my opinion all left wing republicans within Sinn Féin should redouble their activities over the coming period and give Eoin our full support. Let the left of the party show that the message we have for he people of Ireland is indeed the message the people wish to hear. Let us demonstrate that the republican socialist message has an audience and that the left in Irish politics has the answers to the problems that are faced by Dublin and Ireland as a whole.
Below is an article from An Phoblacht regarding Eoin's appointment.
Ó Broin new Dublin Sinn Féin Chairperson

THE Dublin Sinn Féin Cuige unanimously elected Eoin Ó Broin as their new chairperson last week. The election came following the decision of current chair, Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, to stand down to focus on his constituency and the forthcoming general election.
The cuige also elected Daithí Doolan as the new education officer.Speaking after the meeting,
The cuige also elected Daithí Doolan as the new education officer.Speaking after the meeting,
Eoin Ó Broin said:
"Dublin Sinn Féin faces big challenges in the time ahead. If we are to meet these challenges, we need to refocus on the core political objectives of our party and develop new strategic direction for the city. We also need to reinvigorate our party organisation.
"Sinn Féin is a republican socialist party. We want an end to partition and the creation of a national democracy based on principles of social and economic justice and political and cultural equality. We want to end poverty, inequality, discrimination and marginalisation in our communities and across the city, to effect change that improves the quality of people’s every day lives.
"To do this, we have to build our political strength organisationally and electorally in every community, ward and constituency in the city. We also need to build and drive an alliance for change, in communities and across the city, to advance our political objectives."
Sinn Féin must once again be embedded in our local communities, the new cuige chair said "empowering people through campaigning on the streets and in the media and through assertive representation in the councils and Leinster House".
He said that Sinn Féin must be the campaigning party, radical and credible, offering local communities a real alternative to the failed politics of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael.
I put a post on here last night,were the fuck is it.
ReplyDeleteFirstly no comment has been received on this article yet so don't know what you're talking about. Secondly I suggest you read what this site is meant to be doing and see if you really wish to post on here.
If you have something constructive or relevant to post then postit again or send it to
Theorising is all well and good but Sinn Fein has reached a point where it needs a change of leadership. Unless you you achieve this change your efforts are meaningless, indeed, your efforts will be judged by your ability to effect this change.
ReplyDeleteWhy do sf need a change of leadership? What are your problems with the current direction?
ReplyDeleteDoolan & O'Broin- No alls with no votes.
ReplyDeleteThese mass immigration dinosaurs have guaranteed the end of DSF- bye bye!
Starry plough, thre is no direction, that's the whole point, all there is is a stale leadership bankrupt for political ideas. The peace process is over, there is no more political capital to be gained from it. Move on or move aside.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck Eoin. big job to do but he seems to be a sharp fellow with a lot of experience so hopefully some good progress to be made.
I wish Eoin all the very best but if change is to be made we need to get rid of a few people at a/c officer board level. Anything less is insufficient.
W and a few others. Could you say what you see the problem as being. No point saying you want a change of leadership and then don't say why. W what is wrong with the officer people at a/c level?
ReplyDeleteI can't really see Eoin making a difference. He will not halt the decline in SF in the 26, if he is not balanced out in the officer board of the cuige he may only accelerate it. Eoin and his ilk will consider things from an idealogical point of view, rather than asking if it is good for ordinary people.
Dan, by balanced out wht do you mean? What is it about his viewpoint on SF you disagree with? Who would you like ot see as chair of Dublin SF?
ReplyDeleteCan I suggest that all posters adapt an individual name of some sort rather than use 'Anonymous'?
ReplyDeleteI'm having trouble following threads and which 'Anonymous' is saying what!
how do you get a name other than anon.
ReplyDeleteJust simply register with google, or just post as anonymous, but write a name at the ottom of your post
ReplyDeleteJohn or starbird or whatever