Thursday, September 30, 2010


This piece was sent into us by a Mr X. Is it a real internal document of just a piece of humour. You decide!

FF - The Republican Party – The commandments =============================================
Excerpts from the parties Green “cheque” book, the idealogical manual for all its volunteers and party activists. It seems that FF's radical interpretation of Republicanism is still as strong as ever.

"any gombeen or billionaire is just entitled as any other gombeen or billionaire to unfettered access to state funding and contracts, (here after known as Group B)".

“who here objects if we take power in this state, with a ballot box in this hand and an arm load of brown envelopes in the other”.

“Every Irish person, irregardless of their religion or station in life is entitled to die on our roads (which are the envy of Albania) or contract MRSA in our hospitals. (Group B excepted).”

“In order to increase the wealth of the nation, property will become communal in ownership. Everyone will have a share. For example, young couple buys house, couple of years later Bank takes house, and sells it to local Gombeen man who was bailed out by Nama. Everyone will have a piece at some stage.“

“Everyone no matter how small or insignificant, (publicans otherwise) has their part to pay.”

“If we cannot take ownership of this country at this moment and through our current actions then be confident that If our deed has not been sufficient to win ownership of Ireland, then our children will win it by a better deed, by more medical cards, more tar on the road and “sure wasn’t my old fellow a great friend of you auld fella”

“To break the connection between the Irish electorate and the ballot box, the never-failing source of all our political evils, and to assert the independence of our party, to do what it likes. 3 times in 3 generations FF have risen up and tried to bankrupt the state. Standing on that fundamental right to rule and ruin in self-interest and again asserting it in in the face of the world’s politicians and economists. We propose that Blueshirt or Sticky or Shinner be replaced with the one title “ shure dem lot are just as bad”

FF - The Republican Party


  1. 'we shall cherish the children of this nation equally in our belief that emigration is just a gap year.'

  2. “To break the connection between the Irish electorate and the ballot box, the never-failing source of all our political evils, and to assert the independence of our party, to do what it likes. 3 times in 3 generations FF have risen up and tried to bankrupt the state. Standing on that fundamental right to rule and ruin in self-interest and again asserting it in in the face of the world’s politicians and economists. We propose that Blueshirt or Sticky or Shinner be replaced with the one title “ shure dem lot are just as bad”

    LOVE IT.

  3. very good but its falling into the same trap that the elite set for us over the last two decades, that government is about competence and not ideology. its nonscence all humans are idiots, our lot are not special in that regard.

    what where dealing with is the consequence of a small government ideology that the elite propogate and are still argueing for when then hold the private sector above the public sector. again nonscence, the banks where given light touch regulation and failed, the buisiness that relied on a run of free credit have gone to the wall, the arguments against the small government advocates are there.

    if the argument is about competence then the consequence is who will be the best managers of the country not what direction the country should take. look at FG and labours critisism. that things could be managed better. how, they jeered SF for saying the banks should be brought under control a decade ago. they would follow the exact same path given the chance. there managers.

  4. Anon of 10:38. I wrote it after a few scoops, and as a funny way of knocking and mocking FF. Anything that stains their name is good, as they rather than FF are the real threat to Irish Republicanism. FG may be idealogical opposites and may have chips on their shoulders about the civil war, but they will always have a grip on their electorate. FF have a grip on Sinn Féin's target market.


  5. got the scence of humour and critisism is not directed at you spicificly, its a trap the whole country fall into. FF bad ergo..... no its to simple and the type of thinking that leads to a repeat. this nonscence that cowen on his own as minister for finance f....ed up the country bollox. as minister for finance he had most of the academics in the country telling him what he was doing was great most of the top buissiness men the papers, forgien governments etc. they where all following an ideology. thats what has to be hit, the ideology. becuase with every call to cut the public service bill its regrouping. its a poison its class warfare. attacking FF's competency is irrelivent even if they loose FG or lab win. nothing changes the people in the backround are still there being listened to.

    its the greatest trick that was ever pulled in this country. that the devil dosn't exist that real politics doen't exist. theres been an ideological war going on for decades. nobodies noticed it because only one side is fighting it, but its there the people who argued for light touch regulation in the banks are still argueing for small government, they haven't given up, in fact there running the show and will what ever civil war party is in power into the for seeable future.

    pull them on the consequences of there thinking. make it as witty as you want but if you do your provideing a genuine choice to the people. if they choose to listen, well thats democracy, if you loose you get the honor of looseing in a battle that actualy mattered and if you win then your on the road to making a difference, can you say that with your tactic?

  6. I think anon 3.44's point is being proven by Cowans letter inviting FG and Labour into concensus talks..we should push the idea SF being left outside because we don't share their ideology..SF should use the opportunity to show the electorate we believe there is a different way forward and push our economic policies now we're being given an opening
